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Restaurant Bar El Jardín

The Restaurant Bar “El Jardín” located in Hotel La Casona Temazcal is the pleasure of cooking inherited from Doña Susana for many years. Within the Restaurants in Valle de Bravo and Temascaltepec we definitely provide you the best taste.

In our menu you can find different types of food from all over the world, it has been crated through out the years in which each one of the plates has a personal story within our chef’s life in Hotel la Casona Temazcal.

The ingredients are selected with detail, because in them it’s the characteristic flavor of each plate that is exquisite for every type of taste. 

Our restaurant uses every single space of Hotel La Casona Temazcal, collocating our guests in the best atmosphere.

Calle Iturbide 10 Col. Centro, Valle de Bravo-Temascaltepec, Edo. de México CP 51300 | Tels. (716) 2665 460 EUA 1 (310) 760 38 54 | Movil (045) 722 2952494             By: